Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break

My 2016 Spring Break, in chronological order (along with the abuse of parenthetical asides):

The Saturday after school got out, I had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to get up, dress, and get to Waco in time to meet my grandparents and their friends at a breakfast restaurant by 7:15.  In the morning.  Yeah.  Shortly after, I attended by little sister's birthday party on the other side of Waco (a Hollywood-themed birthday party for my turning-three-year-old sister?); no children attended, which was a relief, and Jocelyn's too young to care, anyway.  I sang Disney songs with my biological mother and read a fiction novel (simultaneously, because I have that kind of talent).
    I went home Sunday after spending the night at my grandparents', did absolutely nothing on Monday, and waited impatiently for most of Tuesday for my older sister to arrive home.  She did, we had dinner for her- and a family friend's birthdays, and went back home.  She convinced me to watch the first episodes of Gilmore Girls (which I had not planned to start until after the English STAAR), and we fell asleep somewhere in the third and woke up with a dead laptop (she had stolen all the covers on the bed we were on, and my fingers had been frozen).  We spent the day doing idle things, and started taping up my empty room in order to get it ready for re-painting.  After we finished that, she went back to her apartment in San Antonio and I went to sleep.
    The next day, I started watching Major Crimes again, and ended up speeding through three seasons of the amazing show while doing absolutely nothing else.  Suddenly, it was Friday, and my mom told me that it was about time to start painting my room, so we put the "Academy Gray" on the crown moldings and let it dry over night.
    On Saturday, I touched everything up (pertaining to the molding and door frames) while watching the last episodes of season three, we went out for brunch at 11:30, and took a Segway tour in downtown Austin (which was a really bad idea, since it was SXSW and there were a lot of people milling around - I swear, it wasn't at my suggestion).  The Segways were cool, I'd say, but I'd never do it again - I had never felt lazier in my life.  I like to walk, and it felt like cheating, somehow.
    We went back home, slept, and then started painting the walls of my room "Wet Pavement," and I'm way too excited to finish everything and get my bed back into my room (which is sitting inside the den, which is where I'm sleeping, which is where everyone in the house spends time, which is where the largest TV happens to reside, which is where NOBODY LEAVES, literally ever).  I purchased season four that morning, watched as much as I could while painting, crammed practicing my viola into the short time my parents were seeing "Allegiant" (which I DID NOT want to see, judging by the first two movies and how terrible they were).  I ate, crammed all my homework into an hour and a half, and then went to sleep.  That was the extent of my Spring Break, in chronological order, along with the abuse of parenthetical asides.

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