Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #3


"New absence policy in effect this year"

1-  AISD has made a change to their procedures: a student will not get credit for a course if they have not attended at least 90% of that class.  This could be a problem for some parents or students because there isn't a very clear line on what absences are counted as excused or unexcused.

Quoted in the story were AISD high school assistant superintendent Kathy Ryan, assistant principal Susan Leos, the AISD website, assistant principal Lawrence Britton, sophomore Anita Yem, and junior Danielle Bryant.

The strongest quote, in my opinion, was, "Absences are excused for medical reasons, religious holy days, court appearances, college campus visits, activities regarding US citizenship, military dependent, or a pre-approved reason."  (I think so because all throughout the story I was wondering what AISD did see as an excused absence.)

The first sentence kind of made alarm bells ring in my head, like What causes you to not get credit for a course???!!  So, yes, it did make me want to read more.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Sophomores, straight 'outta driver's ed"

1-  Sophomore drivers aren't mature enough to be driving on the road, and need more driving experience before they're put on the road.  People should be warned about a person that has just gotten their license or is learning so they can proceed with caution while on the road.

Nobody was quoted in the story.

...There were no quotes.

The first sentence did not make me want to read more.  I sort of just got the writer's opinion and didn't want or need to know more.

The conclusion was an opinion.


"Pet rescue strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers"

1-  Two juniors Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes volunteer helping animals at local animal rescue centers on the weekends.  Volunteering is fun (but not always), and it helped them figure out what they wanted to do with their lives.

Quoted in the story were Fuaad Ajaz and Alex Reyes.

The strongest quote was, "I love it because it helped me figure out what I want to do with my life.  I know I want to work with animals.  I also love it because I see so many animals neglected, malnourished, and unwanted, just thrown on the streets to die, and I like to see their transformation and see them get healthy again so they can go to their 'forever home,' wherever it may be."

The first sentence did make me want to read more.  It was kind of sweet, and I wanted to know how they managed to spend their time doing something that wasn't for school (because there is A LOT of that).

The conclusion was a quote.


"Sci-Fi movie excites"

1-  Star Wars is coming out, and people are very exciting.  They're thinking of dressing up for the premieres, and tickets are sold out almost everywhere.

Quoted in the story were sophomore John Martin and sophomore Craig Johnson.

The strongest quote was, "Ever since I was in kindergarten I've liked Star Wars.  My family would go over to my grandparents' house.  They had the original series, and that's the only thing that I would watch."  (It shows that people have grown up watching Star Wars, and a new movie coming out after 33ish years is extremely exciting).

The first sentence had the words "Harry" and "Potter" in it, so I most definitely wanted to read more, even if the rest had nothing to do with Harry Potter.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Lacrosse sticks it to the opponents"

1-  Lacrosse season is starting again after a long wait, and they're eager to get back on the field. They're working on their individual skills as well as working together as a team.

Quoted in the story are senior Patrick Moran, senior Sam Portillo, junior Kylie Parkins, head coach Doak, junior Lexi Curtis, and senior Zach Manley.

The strongest quote was, "Playing at Bowie has definitely affected my teamwork because it makes a group of guys come together to achieve the same goal.  You have to have team chemistry to achieve any goals we set in front of ourselves."

It didn't really make me want to read more, but the subject of Lacrosse appeals to me in general, so I kept reading.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Senior fights a life-long disease with no sign of a cure"

1-  Katy Jacobs was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at a very young age, and had to learn how to adjust and take care of herself afterward.  Her friends watch out for her every day, and she doesn't let it keep her from living a normal life.

Quoted in the story were senior Katy Jacobs, senior Bryn Williams, senior Summer Hawkins, and father Gary Jacobs.

The strongest quote was, "Look at your disease as nothing more than brushing your teeth.  You don't want to do it all the time, but if you don't  take care of t, it will only hurt you in the long run."

The first sentence definitely did make me want to read more.

The conclusion was a quote.


1.  My favorite photo in this issue was "Do Re Me."
1A.  I think I like it because it shows a lot of people doing the same thing in sync, and it looks good.  The colors are also very light, and the photo makes it look like they're all having a good time.

2.  My least favorite photo in this issue was "Stopping the ball."
2A.  It's not very interesting (as in, the person in the picture isn't really doing anything).  The colors are also slightly unappealing.

3.  I would've liked shoot on Science Day.  It seems like a fun thing to do, and it would be interesting catching the things elementary school kids find interesting on camera.

4.  I'd rate it about an eight.  The composition is really good, and they're pretty intriguing.  There were just a few that weren't very visually appealing.


I'd suggest writing about Lacrosse and how it should be more than just a club team.
I'd suggest writing about a teacher, maybe Mr. Chisum because he's new and what he plans to do with the orchestra.

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