Friday, October 23, 2015

SNO Online Experience

"Should School Start Earlier?"

1). Mahad Rehman

2).  Whether school should start earlier (in the day) or not.

3).  They think that, rather than pushing school to end later to give students more time for work, they should start earlier.  They also think that pushing the start or end time of school doesn't solve any problems - the real problem is the amount of work we get outside of school, thus affecting our sleep.  "Maybe instead of pushing school times back to give students more time to work, schools should work to minimize the amount of work that is necessary for students to do outside of school so that they can come to school with adequate rest and a better mindset geared toward learning."

4).  Yes.

5).  Sort of.  Their opinions are clear, but it changes a little at the end.

6).  No.

7).  Third.

"New Principal's Dress Code Emphasis Draws Mixed Opinions"

1).  Lindsey Fast

2).  The new dress code at Brazoswood assigned by the new principal.

3).  This person obviously is against the new dress code, but it isn't stated directly anywhere.

4).  Yes.

5).  The opinion isn't straightforward, but it's pretty clear...does that make sense?

6).  Yes.

7).  Third.

"Fear Should Not Breed Ignorance"

1).  Kaylin Jones

2).  Terrorists, and how we (teens) are ignorant to them.

3).  She thinks we're stupid to let our fear breed ignorance in ourselves, and our ignorance gets us hurt.  "As a direct result of this ignorance, innocent Muslims in America and around the world after feel the consequences of the extremists."

4).  No.

5).  No.

6).  No.

7).  Third.

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