Monday, April 25, 2016

Final Exam Preview Assignment

1.  iMovie is a program/application-thing that helps people put videos, still pictures, narration, and other things together into one presentation.  Video clips can be placed anywhere in the presentation.  (This is an unfinished summary to be finished in the very near future.)

2.  I didn't know anything before.

3.  Basically everything--the trimming, the adding of the photos and videos and narration and video effects and yeah pretty much everything.

4.  I'm highly technologically impaired.  My understanding of technology is limited to my phone and the Microsoft Word 2016 on my laptop.  No exaggeration, whatsoever.  So what I'm worried about is being able to understand and navigate iMovie itself without getting so frustrated that I can't function for hours after the attempt at making the assignment.

5.  I'm pretty sure I can get the photos and the videos done quickly, if I can figure out what I'm going to do it on.  That's another thing I'm worried about.

6.  :/

Movie Prep

1.  Richard Phillips, Ali Aden Elmi, Hamac, an unidentified pirate, Abduwali Muse, Captain Larry Aasheim, and Commander Frank Castellano will most likely be main characters in the film.

2.  The crew aboard the Maersk Alabama were transporting cargo when they received warning about possible pirate danger; soon after, pirates invaded the Maersk Alabama and overpowered Captain Phillips and the rest of the crew.
     The crew ended up being able to overpower one of the pirates, but it only results in Captain Phillips being taken hostage.  The pirate ended up being released, but the pirates refused to release Captain Phillips in return.  They left Phillips in a lifeboat with ten days' worth of basic survival supplies.
     People finally responded to the hostage situation, and the subsequent standoff between the pirates and the federal workers started.  Later, Phillips is said to be in immediate danger (as in, an AK47 is pointed directly at his back), and they open fire on the pirates.  Three of them are killed, and the fourth pirate surrendered while being treated for an injury and was taken into custody.

3.  ?

4.  ??

1.  Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Catherine Keener, Faysal Ahmed, Max Martini.

2.  PG-13

3.  Paul Greengrass

4.  Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael de Luca.

5.  Top Ten Films of the Year.

6.  $55 million.

7.  "Smart, powerfully acted, and incredibly intense, Captain Phillips offers filmgoers a Hollywood biopic done right--and offers Tom Hanks a showcase for yet another brilliant performance."  93% Rotten Tomatoes.

8.  7.9/10 IMDB.
The people from the crew sued the movie-makers because Captain Phillips was portrayed like a hero, and the regular crew members were left out.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Current Events 6.1

1.  Harriet Tubman is to replace Andrew Jackson on the twenty-dollar bill.

2.  They're suing because Texas has made a new system where the grading of standardizes tests will be based almost purely off the students' own grades, not improvement or an average of others'.

3.  Eight flood-related deaths have happened in Houston since the bad weather started this week.

4.  The experiment going up into space is testing the different uses and lipid production of algae; the experiment is happening in space and on the earth at the same time.

5.  Changing the pain, changing the layout of the room, providing different lighting, and changing rugs are four easy (painting is not easy, by the way--we just finished my room; I would know) ways to change the look of a room or home.

6.  This sort of thing happening to the citizens of Flint is horrible, and mostly because there was pretty much no reason for it.  I hadn't known about the issue before reading the story, although I don't know much about anything that goes on outside of my books.  The people who potentially knew they were poisoning the people of Flint should mostly definitely be convicted, but I wouldn't be able to tell how or of what--it's not up to me to decide the verdict, and it's better that way.
     If this extends to the governor or even further, they should be held just as accountable.  If someone aids a person in a crime or has this big of a part in it, they should face the consequences they surely knew they would end up having to face.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Free Write #3

Prompt Seventeen

It was, honest-to-the-gods, terrifying.

Tuesdays always seemed to end up worse than the rest of the days in the week; it had always been like that, as long as I could remember.  This particular Tuesday had been mucky, the air so thick with humidity that it could be sliced open with a knife (and then water would pour out of it like a supernatural waterfall).

It would've been normal if it were anywhere but central Texas on a perfectly sunny day.

I should've taken this as an omen, but I didn't, because I had learned the lesson over the years that Tuesdays were just weird.

But, opening the door after walking home from school on a Tuesday afternoon in July, I walked into my house after struggling briefly with the keys.

Nothing was the same.

The house had been constantly changing.  It would progress from states of clean to unclean and back to clean again in ridiculously short amounts of time.  The paint was chipped at the edges of the doorframes, a result of the various man-height projects me and my family had to haul through entrances to small rooms.  The walls had been a pale yellow, rather ugly but still somehow comforting, and there had been thousands of holes in the walls from various works of art.

Memories were embedded in every inch of the house, from the stains in the carpet to the paintings to the shelves of books to the small cracks in one of the den windows from when a fox had once rammed straight into the glass as if it had been drunk.  It was home, and that meant something.

Of course it meant something.

So walking into my house—my home—this odd Tuesday afternoon, only to find that everything had been changed...

"Am I being pranked?"

(I wasn't being pranked.)

"This isn't funny—Stuart, what did you do?"

(My older brother hadn't done anything.)

The walls were a vibrant blue, the carpet was white (it had been brown, before).  The furniture was completely different—instead of a deep, forest green, it was brown.  The bookshelves were gone, leaving bare walls devoid of any holes in its place.  The glass tables were replaced with wood-topped coffee tables, the tiles in the kitchen were four shades darker, there was a new microwave, oven, fridge, and dishwasher.  The piano was gone altogether.

There was a different bed in my room—I had a special relationship with my bed!

After pulling out my phone and frantically calling my mom, she picked up, and eventually the conversation ended in her saying, "Honey, there's no way.  I'll be home in a few hours.  Love you."

Grumbling, I took the phone away from my face, scrolled through my contacts, and tapped on the name "Stuart."  If he had done this...

(He wasn't.)

"Why are you calling me?  Rehearsal starts in two minutes."

"Hello to you, too, my dear brother."


"The house is different—did you do this?"

"Different, how?"

"The walls are blue!  The furniture is brown, the carpet is white, my bed is two feet shorter and lumpy, all of the posters in your room are gone..."

"Shut up; I don't have time for this."


Just as I was about to investigate further, though—the cliché happened, and I woke up.  In my bed.  The same old one, with the memory foam and the permanent water stain in the headboard.  Thank the gods.

Photo Illustrations

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #5

Front Page

"Difficult class choices resolved"

As course contracts approach for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, students usually struggle to make choices regarding next year's classes.  Some just worry about taking the wrong classes, some worry about a potential workload they won't end up being able to handle.  Various teachers suggest to take advice from several people and take it all into account while deciding which classes to take in the upcoming school year.

Who-  freshmen, sophomores, and juniors
What-  course contracts
When-  present/next school year
Where-  Bowie, which can be inferred from the newspaper itself
Why-  Students need to pick their course contracts, but they're struggling due to doubt over which classes they should take.
How- There are ways to make sure an individual to make sure they make the best decision for themselves?

Quoted:  Sophomore Piper Kosper, English teacher Whitney Shumate, social studies department chair Ruth Ann Widner, and counselor Veronica Castillo.

Strongest Quote:  "By challenging themselves in high school, students develop good study habits, effective time management skills, and learn how to be their own advocate," counselor Veronica Castillo said.

The lead sentence didn't want to make me keep reading, but that may be because the thought of course contracts and making almost-permanent decisions for the academic future makes me vaguely sick.

The conclusion was a quote.

Student Life

"Freshman prepares for a school life across the sea"

Freshman Maya Levee is applying to be a foreign exchange student.  She hopes to end up in Spain, but the application process is difficult, and most people don't end up in the system.  She has the support of her friends and family, though, and is looking forward to possibly being able to learn more about the culture of Spain while keeping in contact with the people she's close to.

Who-  Maya Levee
What- applying to be a foreign exchange student
When-  Soon, freshman year.
Where-  She currently goes to Bowie, and is applying for Spain.
Why-  She wants to be fluent in Spanish and learn more about the culture of Spain.
How-  Through the foreign exchange student application process.

Quoted:  Freshman Maya Levee, freshman Sophia Bega, freshman Andrew Chahda, and teacher Jean Frazier.

Strongest Quote:  "I"m used to seeing Maya every single day, especially since she's my neighbor," Maya's best friend freshman Sophia Bega said.  "I know I'll miss her like crazy, but I'll be counting down the days until she gets back."

The first sentence did make me want to read more, which was why I chose it.  The foreign exchange process and system has been interesting to me for a while, now.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Seniors receive nostalgia over four-year-old letters"

First of all...seriously?

Summary:  In their freshman year, students were required to write a letter to their senior selves.  A couple of English teachers are given the task of guarding the letter for three-and-a-half years before giving them back to the seniors.  Seniors are able to see how much they've matured over their years in high school, which makes them feel better about themselves going in to college.

Who- the seniors
What-  letters they wrote to themselves in their freshman year
When-  Letters written during freshman year, letters received during senior year (now).
Where-  Bowie High School.
Why-  A look back on how much they've matured is influential during their senior year, and writing the letter usually feels pretty good during their freshman year.
How-  A couple of the English teachers kept them over the years, and were assigned to give them back to their students.

Quoted:  English teacher Shari Blevins, senior Kandice Cox, and senior Angelica Saenz.

Strongest Quote:  "I think the students get to see how mature they have become and I think they get to see how ready for the world they are," Blevins said, "from all the stuff they've learned from high school and all the personal and academic growth they have achieved."

The first sentence most certainly did not make me want to read more; there were grammatical errors everywhere, and the sentence as a whole didn't even make sense.

The conclusion was a statement.


"Softball team is still undefeated"

The Bowie high school softball team is still, this year, undefeated.  Students seem to have the same general idea of what makes a great team: practice time, determination, team work, friendships.  Their current record is 10-0 and they don't plant on letting the streak die anytime soon.

Who-  The Bowie softball team.
What-  Softball.
When-  This season.
Where-  Bowie High School/the district.
Why-  They've won their ten games they've played so far.
How-  Hard work, determination, teamwork.

Quoted:  Junior Alex McLennan, junior Kaley Farnish, and coach Liz Wissol.

Strongest Quote:  "The girls put in a lot of effort to be successful," coach Liz Wissol said.  "It's their perseverance that has led them to achieve all these wins."

The first sentence did make me want to read more; I'm a "story time!" kind of person.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Band director set to move to a new school at year's end"

Band director Kim Shuttlesworth will be moving to a new school next year, and brand new high school on the outskirts of North Austin.  She has helped her students be the best they can be, and they upset to see her leave Bowie. She's also become close to students by helping them with their personal issues while teaching them to be apart of something bigger than themselves. 

Who-  Kim Shuttlesworth
What-  She's leaving Bowie. 
When-  At the end of the school year. 
Where-  Leaving Bowie to go to a new high school on the outskirts of north Austin. 
Why-  It wasn't stated exactly why she's leaving. 
How-  With a farewell to all the students she's helped grow. 

Quoted:  Director Kim Shuttlesworth, junior Gianna Nuckols, senior Laueen Anderson, and senior Danny Cruz. 

Strongest quote:  "The more successful they became, the harder myself and the staff had to work," Shuttlesworth said. "They make me a better teacher, but more importantly--they make me want to be the best version of myself daily."

The first sentence didn't particularly make me want to read more, but I read it because it's always sad to see a beloved director go. 

The conclusion was a quote. 


"Apple refuses to violate privacy of users"

The FBI is struggling to convince Apple to unlock an iPhone that could provide valuable information on the San Bernardo shooting, but would compromise the safety and security of every other iPhone that has been sold.  The case is similar to another in NY, where they're struggling with the same issue but in a completely different circumstance.  The FBI has agreed to try other ways to get around the iPhone, and they recently figuring it out, effectively closing the court case.

Who-  Apple vs. the FBI
What-  A court case involving the cracking open of an iPhone.
When-  For quite a while, now, but the case was closed early last week.
Where-  Basically everywhere.
Why-  Apple is opposing the FBI because of the potential risk to the safety and security of every single iPhone they've sold.
How-  They went to court, and through many courts until the issue was finally resolved.

Quoted:  There's nobody quoted--it's an editorial.

Strongest Quote:  Still no quotes.

The first sentence didn't make me want to read more because the word "teenagers" and "cellphone" in the same sentence never fail to lead to disgusting stereotypes and generalizations about our generation.

The conclusion was a statement.


1.  My favorite photo in the new issue is the picture taken by Violet Glenewinkel that goes along with the story "The Starlight Theatre Company jumps into Spring with a plethora of shows."
1A.  It looks emotional, and portrays the emotion through the picture.  It's a nice picture, the depth of field is great, and it's generally nice-looking.
1B.  Depth of field is evident in this photo--the people in the background are not distracting from the subject of the photo.

2.  My least favorite photo is the picture taken by Fuaad Ajaz that goes along with the story "PALS mentor elementary students."
2A.  It cuts off the top of one girl's head, but not the other's.  The viewpoint makes the background distracting--the lines going across their backs and behind their heads are uneven, and it's hard not to stare at the janitor supplies in the background because of its vivid yellow color.

3.  I would have loved to have been assigned to the Bowie Idol.  I love taking pictures of people while they're doing things, especially things where they're actively projecting themselves to an audience.

4.  Eight out of ten.  The photography in some places was really good, but the photography in others were iffy and distracted from the general theme of the page or the paper itself.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Adobe Illustrator

This is extremely difficult.

I legitimately don't get what the big deal is about "Damn, Daniel."  SerioUSLY?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Current Events 5.3

1.  The City of Austin and AISD are working together to save money for schools by doing a tax swap--in which certain school services could be taken over and funded by the city.  It'll save each homeowner money, but proposes some concerns for the staff of AISD and the homeowners possibly having to pay higher taxes.

2.  It could take until 2022 in order to get minimum wage in NY  to raise to $15.

3.  Villanova won the NCAA game with 77-74.

4.  Of the ten places, the one I'd want to visit the most is the United Kingdom, purely for the Harry Potter experience.  My little cousin has been to the UK and seen the Harry Potter museums and studio, and I'm extremely jealous.  Also, the history and the beauty and the apparent crappy weather--I love crappy weather, it's fantastic.  Like New York.

5.  It would be cool for Instagram to extend the length of the videos, but not to a whole minute.  Watching the videos would take forever if someone decided to post one that's a minute long--those are the kinds of things that should probably be posted on YouTube for entertainment, not a social media site.

6.  Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are the major candidates left for the Republican party; Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the major candidates left of the Democratic party.
     I'm not supportive of any of the candidates--I don't like Donald Trump, I don't like Hillary Clinton, I have no inclination toward Ted Cruz or Bernie Sanders.  A while ago, I stopped trying to figure whose side I was on; I can't do anything about it, either way.
     The community of teens has come together in mutual hate for Donald Trump, but I think the US has been more divided--they're arguing over whether Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump should win, which I can't even make myself try to understand; neither of them are ideal, or anywhere near ideal.  Ted Cruz is pretty much being ignored, except by the people who are voting for him.  Bernie Sanders is who my very sensical mom's friend is rooting for, which is pretty much all I know about him.
     What concerns me the most--I don't want Clinton or Trump to win.  It's honestly a scary thought--the thought of either of them winning.  America would inevitably go to hell, and every other country would hate us more than they already do.  I don't know what discussions the candidates are having; I would have no idea where to begin.  So, I don't know which ones would be most important to me.
     I'm sick of hearing about the campaign, and I'm ready for it to be over.  People get in arguments over it, and it consumes time--discussing the campaign.  Time could be spent better than talking about whether or not one terrible person or another terrible person should win the election.