Friday, February 19, 2016

Current Events 4.4

1.  Apple is trying to keep from having to unlock a suspect's phone, because it would makes millions of other phones vulnerable to hackers and criminals.

2.  Carnitine is the food supplement that Texas A&M researches have found may help autistic kids.  It's found in red meats and whole milk, and it can be bought as an over-the-counter supplement.

3.  Walmart blames online shopping for its decline in earnings.  They've tried going mobile and internet-friendly (and it has worked), but it's still a struggle.  (Amazon is mentioned, and who doesn't like Amazon?)

4.  They're appealing to UIL because traveling through Austin traffic would result in extra money spent in order to get where the need to be.  They were all denied.

5.  A popular VR device coming to the market soon is the Oculus Rift.

6.  The Court is having to promote someone to being the justice due to the death of the old one (Justice Antonin Scalia), and people aren't really agreeing over things.
     Pressure should be put on congress to deal with this deadlock problem.  Things could end up going downhill fast if things aren't solved relatively soon (although it can be that way with even the most mundane of problems).
     I'm mostly unaware of politics in general, to be honest, so I have no idea what should happen.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page

"Rewards created for good attendance raises questions"

Texas established a new attendance law, saying that students must attend 90% of a course in order to get credit for it.  Bowie High School came up with incentives to start attending school more, such as exam exemptions and personal parking spaces.  Students were confused, at first, and they knew it had a lot to do with the state obtaining money - but the students should take advantage of the opportunity they're being given to make their school life somewhat easier.

Who:  Bowie High School students.
What:  The new established attendance policies and incentives.
When:  The beginning of the Spring semester.
Where:  The attendance policies were established in all of Texas, but the incentives were for Bowie.
Why:  There was a problem with a lack of attendance in Texas public schools, and more attendance for the Texas means increased state revenue.
How: They're enforcing the attendance policy by coming up with incentives (rewards).

Quoted: Freshman Grace Little, senior Madi Little, junior Mason Kendrick, US History teacher Ruth Widner, and senior Lauryn Kendrick were quoted in the story.

Strongest Quote:  "I know someone who dropped out of high school, got her GED, and directly went into the film business.  But I also know people that have dropped out of high school with no ambition and no concrete support that waste away all their unused potential.

The opening sentence wasn't really interesting enough to make me want to read more.

The conclusion was a quote.

Student Life

"Lyles brigs laughs with her Vines about teenager problems"

Mikaela Lyles makes Vines on Vine.  Some people agree with social media, because it's a way to socialize and keep yourself entertained.  Other people disagree with it, because there are online bullying problems and it disconnects you from your own society.

Who: Mikaela Lyles.
What:  Vine, and social media in general.
When:  Now?
Where:  Here.  I'm guessing.
Why:  Lyles makes Vines to entertain people and herself, because her friends from Florida had always told her, growing up, that she was really funny.
How:  Um.

Quoted:  Junior Mikaela Lyles, senior Bryanna Feamster, junior Sahaj Mann, senior Samantha Jimenez, and English teacher Vicki Herbert were quoted in the story.

Strongest Quote:  "Social media isn't meant for such things.  Social media has even tried to prevent this from happening by adding block options to make sure users can't contact you again or see things that relate to you."

The opening sentence felt kind of cheesy, and I probably wouldn't have continued reading if it weren't for this assignment.

The conclusion was a statement.


"Band to compete in nationals"

The Band is going to be competing in the Grand National this year.  It's in Indianapolis this year, and they'll be competing against some of the best marching bands in the nation.  There's a lot of planning involved, pertaining to the trip itself and the money and sustenance, but excitement is high and everyone is very competitive.

Who:  The Bowie band.
What:  They're going to the Grand National.
When:  November 2016.
Where:  The Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
Why:  All the excitement and the history mentioned make you assume that they're really good, and that would by why they're going to the Grand Nats.
How:  A lot of time and money and effort.

Quoted:  Sophomore Caroline Garcia, head director Kim Shuttlesworth, freshman Allison Yetter, freshman Maya Webb, and freshman Adam Dinkins were quoted in the story.

Strongest Quote:  "From a travel standpoint, you have to think about how many hotel rooms, how many chaperones, how many kids, how many meals, and what do they not pay for.  From a planning standpoint, you have to make sure that you pick a good show.  That makes all the difference."

The opening sentence made me want to read more.

The conclusion was a quote.


"Swiftly overcoming obstacles"

Instead of baseball, basketball, or football, two freshman train in parkour.  It's a sport that requires a lot of agility and attention to detail.  It's not something to be done outside of a gym with professionals, because it's dangerous when you don't have someone watching over you.

Who:  Joseph Killeen and Seth Leifheit.
What:  Parkour.
When:  Now.
Where:  They train at BAM Academy and both go to Bowie High School.
Why:  They both think it's interesting and fun, and requires a lot of thinking and challenges.
How:  With a lot of hard work, I would infer.

Quoted:  Freshman Joseph Killeen, freshman Seth Leifheit, and Parkour facilities owner Matthew Willis were quoted in the story.

Strongest quote:  "Once I jumped off a 20-foot wall and tried to do a front flip and land it, but I ended up crashing and almost twisting my ankle."

The opening sentence was sort of in story-mode, and it really did make me want to read more.

The conclusion was a statement.


"In Review:  Star Wars"

People all over the place are still freaking out about Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  People, even over a month after the initial release, are still filling up theaters everywhere for their fourth times seeing the movie.  It's been eleven years since the last Star Wars movie, so it was about time that the next one came out.   Although some things about the movie are causing problems among people,  people are still waiting on the edge of their seats for the eighth episode to come out.

Who:  All Star Wars fanatics, and even the people who aren't obsessed and just enjoyed the latest movie.
What:  Star Wars: The Force Awakens
When:  The initial film was released about two months ago, but people are still going crazy over it now.
Where:  Everywhere (at least in the U.S.).
Why:  It's been a long time since the last episode had been released, and this film has become the fourth highest-grossing film of all time, with numbers still rising.
How:  The earlier episodes had pulled everyone in, and there was no way they were missing the latest film.

Quoted:  There were no quotes.

Strongest Quote:  There were still no quotes.

The first sentence made me want to keep reading, along with the second, and the third.

The conclusion was a statement.


"Drawbacks of the 'Incentives'"

The incentives for maintaining good attendance are really setbacks for most of the students.  Reserved parking spaces would be frustrating, especially for the people who are unwilling to pay so much money just to buy one.  The exam exemptions are a waste of time, and so many people already have more than three absences this semester, so it's unfair to them.  The off-periods are more of a threat than an incentive.

Who:  The students of Bowie, or the people who are administering the Incentives.
What:  A new attendance law was established, so the people at Bowie decided to give incentives to the students for them to keep up their attendance, but it's really just a huge setback.
When:  Starting the 2016-17 school year officially, and somewhat in the 15-16 fall semester, continuing indefinitely.
Where:  Bowie High School.
Why:  They're a setback for many different reasons - threats, frustration, money, fairness.  (Read summary - I think I mention all of those).
How:  Um.

Quoted:  There are no quotes in this story.

Strongest Quote:  Still no quotes in the story.

I wouldn't say it made me want to read more, but I like how it's started.

The conclusion was a statement.

Main Story

"Tarzan brings STC to new heights"

The STC did an amazing job portraying "Tarzan" through the musical.  A lot of things about just this play can get many students credit for places they plan to go in the future, and people are starting to recognize the people who played the characters in mundane places.  Everyone that worked together on it are extremely proud, from the tech to the performers to the choreographers.

Who:  The Starlight Theatre Company.
What:  Their depiction of "Tarzan" in the form of a musical.
When:  About a week ago, and the shows have been being performed for quite a few weeks.
Where:  Bowie High School.
Why:  Because it's amazing (I've seen it).
How:  How?  Through a long while of hard work, team work, choreography, rehearsals, set-building, and costume-designing.  And some money.

Quoted: Senior Eryn Northcutt, junior Emma Hashcke, junior Jackson Walker, senior Austin Hyde, senior Juliana Davis, and director Betsy Cornwell were quoted in the story.

Strongest Quote:  Almost all of these quotes are pretty strong, but:  "I was stuck in the longest traffic line of my life on the day of that terrible rain storm waiting to see the cast list.  I was getting all these messages on my phone, but I just ignored it and when I finally got to school it was so rewarding.  This is the first tie I have set a long-term goal and achieved it, so it really makes me more confident for the future since Disney has also been a long-time goal.  If you work really hard for something and if you really want it, sometimes the universe conspires for you."

The first sentence was kind of amazing.

The conclusion was a quote.


1.  My favorite photo in the entire paper is "King of the Jungle."
1A.  It's my favorite because it's really interesting.  There's a dynamic about the action in the picture combined with the viewpoint that makes it really exciting.
1B.  Viewpoint.

2.  My least-favorite picture in the whole paper is "Reaching for the Sky."
2A.  The way her face has a pole coming out of both sides of it, the way the background distracts from the subject, her back leg.  I feel bad for totally roasting this picture, but it really bothers me.

3.  Tarzan, definitely.  It's fun, and the musical is great, and sitting in on either the shows or rehearsals and capturing moments from both seem like fun, and also like they provide lots of opportunities for great pictures.

4.  I'd say it's a 7.  There are quite a few good pictures, but there are also some not-so-good ones.  A lot of the photos have problems with background things going on, or bad focus quality.  The high points always have a good viewpoint and a not-distracting background.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Magazines Part II

For the earliest magazine covers, it is said that they are modeled after the covers of books.  This in itself is an attribute (at least to me, because books are amazing).  They're informational, in place of the visual appealing-ness of more modern magazines.  For the Poster Covers, they're appealing because the pictures on them are very good at portraying a story or emotional without having to use words.  It's very simple, and makes the magazine seem like it wouldn't be cluttered with useless information.  For Pictures Married to Type, the background of the photo suits the subject/portrait of the photo almost perfectly.  It's appealing, and makes the magazine seem like it would be neat and organized on the inside, too.  The way something is always overlapping the title of the magazine is somehow extremely visually appealing (I honestly think having the magazine title over the subject isn't as appealing as the former).  For the Forest of Words...well, it doesn't look very visually appealing at all.  It makes the whole cover seem really scattered and cluttered, and it wouldn't compel me to pick up the magazine and spend my money on it.

My Favorite Cover

2).  Wired, September 2014, Edward Snowden

"Edward Snowden didn't want to be photographed. He wanted his actions--leaking classified NSA files--to be the focus of any story, not his face. But. But. Being shot by Platon, who has photographed world leaders like Dick Cheney, George Bush (both of them), and Vladimir Putin, puts him on the same level as those subjects, elevating his message. So out of complicated motivations comes a tense and compelling photograph. As Snowden holds the flag, his face and his hands convey both respect and hurt--a flickering combination of protectiveness and vulnerability. Words would tip the reader toward a single interpretation. So. No design. No cover lines. Just an image, however you choose to look at it." - See more at:

3). The lighting of the portrait in this magazine cover is...great.  It adds nicely to the mood of the portrait, which is somewhat sad, yet hopeful in a way.  The pose of the actor portrays how he feels about the flag--he's protective of it, hugging it to his chest in a way that shows how much he respects it.  The simplicity of the picture adds to the mood of the photo, along with the light of the background.  It gives a feeling of solidarity, the one single light right behind his head.  The magazine cover, as a whole, would definitely draw my attention if I were to walk by it in a store, and I would be compelled to look through it (I'm already curious as to what's inside this magazine).

Best Magazine Covers 2015

formal- 1.  The Advocate, December 2014/January 2015, Person of the Year
formal- 2.  Wired, September 2014, Edward Snowden
informal- 3.  OUT, August 2014, Michael Sam
informal- 4.  Harper's Bazaar, March 2014, Lady Gaga
environmental- 5.  ESPN The Magazine, July 21, 2014, Venus Williams
formal- 6.  New York, February 17–24, Spring Fashion
environmental- 7.  FamilyFun, August 2014, Road Trip
formal- 8.  The New York Times Magazine, September 14, 2014, The Culture Issue
informal- 9.  Harper's Bazaar, September 2014, Emma Ferrer
formal- 10.  Vanity Fair, November 2014, Jennifer Lawrence
formal- 11.  Variety, October 14, 2014, Bill Murray
informal- 12.  New York, June 9-15, 2014, Health
informal- 13.  Men's Health, November 2014, The Ultimate Men's Health Guy
formal- 14.  Bloomberg Businessweek, April 21-27, 2014, Freeze Your Eggs, Free Your Career
environmental- 15.  Golf Digest, June 2014, Jimmy Fallon
environmental- 16.  Kinfolk, Spring 2014, The Home Issue
informal- 17.  ESPN The Magazine, October 13, 2014, Derek Jeter
informal- 18.  The Atlantic, November 2014, Why Kids Sext

Magazine Tips

1)  Familiar recognition from issue to issue (brand)

2)  Emotionally irresistible (image's appeal)

3)  Arousing curiosity (something to pull the readers in)

4)  Intellectually stimulating, interesting (promise of benefits from reading)

5)  Worth the investment of money and time ("What's in it for me?")

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prompt Shoot #2




Current Event 4.3

1.  The five things you need to know about the Zika virus are that the virus is in Travis county, it's linked to birth defects, it has been found active in saliva and urine, pregnant women are at risk, and there's no vaccine for it (which is alarming).

2.  They're doing a project in order to save money, and they're seeing whether the weather can help them shave off their 1.3 billion dollar annual bill.  They have 132 acres of solar panels to help them out with this new project.

3.  The three top jobs that do not require a bachelor's degree are a licensed practical nurse, an electrician, and a construction and building inspector.

4.  The Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers with a score of 24-10.

5.  #nofilter was the most interesting story there, sadly enough.

6.  My favorite photo out of all of them is "A Beacon on the Plains."  It has beautiful colors in it (the colors that appeal to me, personally, the most), and it's very simple.  I also love sun (in photos - no so much in person), and it's placed perfectly.
     The photo that had the most interesting stuff going on is "Battling the Blaze."  It's a great picture and somewhat mesmerizing, which kind of makes me sad, because it seems like something terrible is happening (pshh, seems like).
     The most boring photo is "Counted by Hand."  It's a table and a woman's hands messing with post-it notes, and I'm having trouble understanding why it's one of the biggest pictures.
     "Flight of the Angel" had the most interesting subject.  This woman is wearing a beautiful, intricately designed dress and an interesting headdress.  Her smile is radiant, and the people in the crowd seem to be enjoying themselves almost as much as she is.  Also, she's gorgeous, so..